message from the chief
As Chief of Police, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our website. As you tour these pages, I hope you learn more about the services we provide and the professional police staff that serve you.
Our Department obtained CALEA Accreditation in 1986. The accreditation process is an ongoing effort to ensure we continue to improve our performance, standards and the services we provide to you.
Our Department also embraces the concepts of the 21st Century Policing Plan and we recognize that our success lays in the ongoing support and trust built from the community we serve. For that reason, we open our department to you. You are invited to review our strategic plans, policies, our 21st Century Policing Plan, and the assessments we conduct to track the progress of our efforts.
I am proud of the Department and the dedicated police staff that devote their lives to making the City of Alexandria safe to live in and visit. Not only have they received local, state, and national recognition for their work in the community they routinely receive commendations from you, the community.
Again, welcome to our website and we hope you enjoy your visit and getting to know us. We are here to serve you!
Tarrick McGuire, Chief of Police